Sunday, December 30, 2018

Blogging in 2019

A Writing Routine

Dear Readers,

I am an avid reader, I read almost every day and usually carry a book with me. However, I run very hot and cold in the writing department. It is not always as enjoyable to me as reading so if it feels like something I have to do, I can fall away from it.

Recently, on the #PD4uandme chat, blogging has been a topic of interest. It could not come at a better time as we approach the new year and I am once again trying to find that love of writing. Hopefully some of you will find the following "tips and tricks" useful. They serve as not only a reminder to myself, but encouragement for others as well.

  • The first thing I did was read blogs! There are not specific blogs that I follow on a regular basis, I seem to just read what looks appealing to me. Develop your own "reading inventory" of blog posts. Seek out topics, people or hashtags that you enjoy and grow from. 
  • Next, I chose a format. Your PLN can be a treasure chest of recommendations! I went with Blogger in Google because it was easy for me.
  • Then, start writing! Write for YOU and make it your own! It can be personal or professional. I reflect a lot on instructional practices, both what went well and what did not. We can learn and grow from one another when we are honest and transparent.
  • Don't be afraid to hit the publish button. I was terrified the first few times and kept reading and rereading. I wanted it to be perfect. We can be our own worst enemy. Be kind to yourself! You can always go back and edit.
  • Finally, believe in yourself. People want to hear what you have to say. 

We will be talking about Blogging on Saturday January 12th on #PD4uandme from 8:30-9:00 AM EST. I hope you will join us!

Until then, happy writing!
