Saturday, April 15, 2017

Who Motivates You?

The Power of a PLN

Dear Readers,

Recently Meredith (@mjjohnson1216) contacted me about a new idea for educators to share, learn and grow together. The first thing she asked me to do was take a picture of some of my professional resources.

It was really cool to see some (not all) of them stacked like this! She also asked about my sketchnotes. I pulled out a few favorites.

An idea started to come together! Meredith loves connecting people and helping them share their incredible knowledge with each other. What if there was a hashtag that allowed people to share their professional learning using #BookSnaps, sketchnotes, annotations, highlights, post-it notes, etc? #BookCampPD was born!

What Motivates You?

Meredith asked me a surprising question. She asked me, "What motivates you to get this going?" I said, "You! Your passion motivates me to do this with you!" A collaborative friendship has developed. We will be hosting an informational chat on Monday April 17th at 10:00 PM EST (7:00 PM PST). Just 30 minutes to find out what #BookCampPD is all about!

Additionally, another amazing educator, Paul (@PaulONeill1972) has started #PLN365. It will post a daily question, in addition to being a weekly chat. Paul continues to motivate me with his kind words, support of my blog and always encouraging me.

What is #PLN365?

The question today was, Describe the greatest lesson you have learned from your PLN. My response was, that I can try things (and fail), but will always be supported and encouraged by my PLN. 

The example I always think of was when I moderated a chat for the first time ever, #satchatwc, and forgot to include the hashtag as I was posting my questions (I had no concept of Tweetdeck at that point.). Shelley (@burgess_shelley) and Dave (@burgessdave) were kindly helping me through it by retweeting and letting me know. They gave me the opportunity and supported me when I needed it. Since then, I have moderated many chats and love doing it. However, had that been a negative experience, not sure I would have continued to try. They motivated me to keep going and gain confidence in myself.

Check out Shelley and Beth's new book!

Also, Dave's blog post for Teach Like a Pirate.

The awesomeness continues with Melissa (@ChouinardJahant) on Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 PM EST with #teachmindful. Then follow Alana (@StantonAlana) and her husband Mike (@MicronMike) as they co-moderate #MoreEdu on Thursday nights from 9:00-9:30 PM EST. 

My Favorites

There are so many amazing chats taking place 24/7/365, but here a few of my favorites! (most run weekly, but not all of them) I apologize profusely for those I am unable to specifically name!

  • #Hacklearning (8:30-9:00 AM EST)
  • #Peopleskills (10:00-11:00 AM EST)
  • #fitnessedu (7:00-7:30 PM EST)
  • #Read4Fun (7:00-7:30 PM EST)

  • #ImpactMatters (7:00-8:00 PM EST)
  • #LearnLAP (8:00-9:00 PM EST)
  • #tlap (9:00-10:00 PM EST)

  • #2pencilchat (7:00-8:00 PM EST)
  • #TWOTCW (9:00-10:00 PM EST)
  • #ShelfieTalk (8:00-9:00 PM EST)
  • #Ohedchat (9:00-10:00 PM EST)
  • #MakeItReal (9:30-10:00 PM EST)
  • #whatisschool (7:00-8:00 PM EST)
  • #G2Great (8:30-9:30 PM EST)
  • #satchat (7:30-8:30 AM EST)
  • #LeadUpChat (9:30-10:30 AM EST)
  • #satchatwc (10:30-11:30 AM EST)
  • #EduGladiators (11:30 AM- 12:00 PM EST)

Thank you to all the moderators who take the time and energy to create amazing chats for us to participate in! We learn, share and grow together!


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