Friday, December 8, 2017

It Was My World That I Created

Honest Teaching Reflection

Dear Readers,

As some of you may know, I have been implementing Gamification into my 8th grade Language & Literature Class. Much to my dismay, they were not jumping on board as much as I had hoped. After reflecting on the past couple of weeks I figured out why.

I made it about me and not them. 

What I realized was that I was so excited because....

  • I chose a theme I loved.
  • I chose the theme based on what I could do in the classroom.
  • I chose the characters.
  • I chose the badges.
  • I made the theme come to life.
  • I asked them to step inside my world.

That pronoun "I" drove my creativity. (I cringe when I see that.)

Not being one to give up so easily, I asked them if they would be willing to try again if I allowed them to......

  • Create a world they wanted to "play" in.
  • Create the characters to that world.
  • Create the badges.
  • Make the theme come to life.

I would still create challenges inside their world.

To my delight, they agreed. Every single one of them.

We decided that I would spend the next come of months embedding problem solving, collaboration and critical thinking into our instructional lessons to help prepare them in using those skills and strategies during challenges and tasks.

Using our science fiction unit as inspiration, they will create the Gamified World.

At times our excitement and passion can over shadow what is really important......our students. 

I look forward to revisiting Gamification again soon! Stay tuned!


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